
  Unfolding God's Plan: The Diocesan Vision - Summary 1 - Thursday 27th April 2023

                                     The Diocesan Vision - Summary 2 - Thursday 4th May 2023

                                       The Diocesan Vision - Summary 3 - Thursday 11th May 2023

CAFOD is asking Parishioners to: Sign an online petition addressed to the World Bank

Christian Aid Week: 14-20 May 2023

Your gifts this Christian Aid Week could help farmers in Malawi plant better seeds, secure a fairer price for the crops, and build happier futures for their children.

Click here to make your gift



Reflections on the Most Holy Eucharist
Week 1: Jesus is Emmanuel
Week 2: The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
Week 3: Holy Mass - The Holiest Act Possible on Earth
Week 4: Sacred Banquet
Week 5: We stand on Holy Ground
Week 6: Love One Another as I have Loved You



Lenten Reflections - Seven Last Words of Jesus

Reflection 1

Reflection 2

Reflection 3

Reflection 4

Reflection 5

Reflection 6




Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal

Help CAFOD to provide urgent food, water and shelter to survivors of the earthquake




Family Fast Day

This Lent, join in Family Fast Day on Friday 3 March 2023. Your generosity and prayers will provide more families around the world with the tools they’ve asked for to fight the climate crisis.


An Advent novena of prayers reflecting Mary’s role: If started on November 30th it will finish on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

Bid for this Rugby Jersey

This Rugby Jersey could be yours. It has been both worn, signed and donated by England’s Rugby Captain, Courtney Lawes. Throughout the Christmas Season, starting from the Carols by Candlelight event in the Parish Hall on December 13, Father Dominic invites you to make a sealed bid if you would like to own it – hand in your bid at the Presbytery. The proceeds will go towards sending a young person to Lourdes.  Courtney is married to Father Paul Devaney’s (RIP) great niece.


CAFOD Harvest Family Fast Day 2022

Friday 7 October 2022

Click here to donate



Christmas Fayre 2022:


 Saturday December 3rd, 1.30pm - 4pm

Click here for more information


WORLD MISSION SUNDAY  23rd OCTOBER. The Message of Pope FrancisDonate

Solihull Churches Action on Homelessness


Month of Action

Click here to donate




The Pope, the Environmental Crisis, and Frontline Leaders

The Letter: Laudato Si Film

The Pope Released the Film on 4 October 2022


Changes to seating arrangements for Mass: From March 1, 2022 

Please complete the parish census form: Download the form here  
The completed form can be delivered to the church or can be emailed to:

George Bicknell RIP: A tribute by Libby Service, St Augustine's Church and local friend   

Statement issued by the Bishops’ Conference, Friday November 19, 2021: Honouring Sunday  
(“this is not a reinstatement of the Sunday obligation, pre-pandemic situation, but an encouragement to people to review their current weekend arrangements and, if they are not attending Mass at present, to encourage them to return unless there are factors that may hinder this”)   

Statement from the Catholic Bishops of England, 13 July 2021: Sunday - it is our Day           

CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ CONFERENCE OF ENGLAND AND WALES: Covid-19 Route Map: Step 4 Guidance – 15 July 2021         

Daily mass and reflection with Bishop Robert Barron:     

CAFOD Pakistan Floods Appeal

Click here to donate

September 2022




Donate to Ukrainian Refugee Support


Click here to donate

May 2022


Archdiocese of Birmingham – News and Event, May 2022:  Including: Returning to Mass at Pentecost.  Fundraising for those seeking safety in the Archdiocese from Ukraine.  Day of Prayer for Victims and Survivors of Abuse.  Organ Recital at Oscott.  Marriage Enrichment Experiences.  And much more....

Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales: Guidance for Churches - January 2022 

Christian Aid Week 2022


15-21 May, 2022


Click here for the Parish Christian Aid Week giving page

Charisma in partnership with the Archdiocese of Birmingham are seeking to appoint a full time Head of Safeguarding


Click here for salary and further details of this full time/permanent appointmen


Family Fast Day is on Friday 11 March, 2022

Lombeh was dangerously malnourished as a baby. She was so small she almost died.  Around the world, there are 200 million more children like Lombeh whose lives are at risk from malnutrition.

Click here to see a short video of Lombeh’s story

Click here to make your Family Fast Day donation


       Today 600 people will be diagnosed with leprosy, more than 50 of these will be children.

More information

Donate to Lepra




DEC Afghanistan Crisis Appeal


Decades of conflict, recent droughts, coronavirus and now the extreme winter weather mean that Afghan families need urgent practical support – water, food, and shelter.



Click here to donate



World Youth Sunday

World Youth Sunday


Sunday 21 November 2021 is World Youth Sunday


More information may be found from: 
the KYT Newsletter,
the KYT website and

the KYT annual report


As Bethlehem enters its second Christmas without visitors, almost 40% of families are buying groceries on credit or relying on food parcels. They have nothing to spare for a medical emergency…

There are mothers waiting to give birth in Bethlehem, wondering how they will afford their hospital stay.

Click here to donate

The message of Pope Francis

The message of Pope Francis to the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow
on 31 October – 12 November 2021 was: 


BBC Radio 4’s "thought for the day" on Friday October 29

Click here to hear the message

APF World Mission Sunday

24th October 2021 is APF World Mission Sunday 

The collection this weekend is to support Missio

The short video is World Mission Sunday: Building Peace in Nigeria
Click here to donate

CAFOD Harvest Family Fast Day

Friday 1st October 2021 was this year’s Harvest Family Fast Day.
The collection this weekend is to support people around the world who are dedicating their lives to protecting God’s creation - people like Ivanilde who are on the frontline of the climate crisis


By donating to the Climate Crisis Appeal you can stand alongside communities like Ivanilde’s as they care for the earth.
Click here to donate to the Family Fast Day appeal

CAFOD is responding to significant recent crises across the world.

You can read more about how we can all express solidarity with our sisters and brothers affected by these emergencies on the CAFOD website:

Your compassion, generosity and prayers have helped us to stand together and enable us to continue to support communities in these difficult times.
Please continue with your generosity.

Solihull Churches Action on Homelessness (SCAH) – Virtual Flag Day – Saturday 11th September 2021

The times they are a -changin’: information about the flag day


World Day for Grandparents and Elderly

Pope Francis has called for the universal church to celebrate the first World Day for Grandparents and Elderly on Sunday July 25th 2021.

Click here to view Pope Francis’s message

Click here to view the many resources provided to support this day

Archbishop Bernard Longley: Pastoral letter, 11th Sunday of ordinary time, 12/13 June 2021

Archbishop Bernard Longley video link: The Archbishop reads his pastoral letter of 12/13 June 2021

News from Father Hudson’s Care May 2021: Some of the exciting new materials and events that may be of interest to you

The River Does Not Divide Us: Pentecost Novena on the Care of Creation


Urbi et Orbi: The Easter message 2021 of Pope Francis

Press Release: From the newly formed Multi Academy Company of Our Lady and All Saints

I am an instrument of God’s love: A mini retreat for Caregivers in a Covid World

Integrating Spirit, Mind and Body: Two webinars for mental health professionals seeking to unite their Christian faith and practice

National Lockdown Guidance 2021: Public Mass will continue to be celebrated at the same times: Wednesday 11.30am, Saturday 10.00am and Sunday 9.00am and 11.30am

Guidance for the Celebration of Public Mass remains the same in 2021: Issued by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales

A letter from Archbishop Bernard: 2nd February 2021, to clergy and parishioners

Diocesan Guidance: For Reports to Parishes of COVID Diagnosis or Symptoms

Guidance for Acts of Worship: Pastoral Care of the Sick

From the Metropolitan Archbishops of the Catholic Church in England: Resumption of the celebration of Mass

A People who Hope in Christ: A Message from the Cardinal and Archbishop 2.5.2020

Urbi et Orbi: The Easter message 2020 of Pope Francis


At 12 noon, Sunday 29 March, England was rededicated to the Dowry of Mary.

Archbishop Bernard Longley celebrated the Mass at St Chad's Cathedral

Watch a recording of the event

More information about the rededication


Pope Francis’ Urbi et Orbi: on Friday 27th March, 2020 for the victims of the coronavirus and for all who are working so hard to care for the sick, the dying and the bereaved:
The gospel chosen by Pope Francis.

Pope Francis’ message
Watch a recording of the event

St Chad's Cathedral: St Chad's Cathedral Live StreamMore information about live streaming from the Cathedral

Churches of the diocese with live streaming:

The Saltmine Passion Play Audio Drama: Three 15-minute episodes: Jesus’ triumphant procession, the crucifixion and resurrection

From Isolation to Evangelisation...: A message from Evangelisation Fieldworker, Maryvale Institute

Faith at home: Childrens liturgy and stations of the cross

Prayers during this time of illnes:

Wednesday Word: “Wednesday Word “ is written by Father Henry Wansborough O.S.B. and contains his reflections on the Sunday Readings.  See

Catholic newspapers now online: Due to the Coronavirus, UK Catholic Diocesan newspapers have been posted online at








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